Akattiyar Njanasaitanyam 51 «¸ò¾¢Â÷ »¡É¨º¾ýÂõ 51

VERSES 21-30

Á¾¢ÂÓ¾õ The Ambrosia of the Moon


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I stood firm burning in the Metaphysical Flame and noted  with amazement,  that everything I desired became a reality. I did not have any  anger at all in my bosom, and cried loudly on seeing (with my metaphysical eyes) the Mother. Asking me what disaster is on the way, the Mother looking at my face said: Oh Dear Baktha! Here take the ambrosia ! and saying thus she fed me with it.


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I imbibed the Ambrosia oozing out from the Moon and saw what it  is really  by experiencing it personally. And when I wanted to see the metaphysical Ground or the Original Ground it was even worse. I perspired and became extremely exhausted and because of which my face became contorted. I fell into an  immeasurable druggishness  making me open my mouth with  bewilderment. I was amazed at what She taught me and alarmed with the uncontrollability of it all I cried and cried. I called out for the Mother saying that I cannot stand this drug-bliss anymore, it is so totally novel and beyond me to endure anymore.


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The Mother , Sivakami saw my beseeching and sobbing and instructed as follows to get released from that: immerse in the Vast Empty Space of Ambaram available in the Idakalai. When I did as thus, my fault disappeared and  the kalai changed (from from that of the Moon to the Sun) and because  of which my Bothai also disappeared.  And now she asked: what is there to worry about any more?  She called me in the form of immense wealth that cools the heart full of desires  and I turning in her direction asked her: why ? (do you call me). But She,  seeing me as Pure Milk without any dirt in it , embraced and kissed me calling me a darling!


While Moon a form of Vintu is the source of all delight and Bliss plunging into it totally induces a  state of Bliss that becomes impossible to endure of even a Siddha. The way to overcome this bewilderment is merge the Anma in the Ida kalai, where exists Natham in the form of the Metaphysical Sun. The movement os psycho tropism from that Moon-captured to that of Sun-dominated is the Technique to overcome the Bothai, the druggishness that kills every form intellectual activity and and in supreme unthinking and irrational state of Bliss.  The dominance of the Sun, by introducing the  Power to intellectualize the psychical serves to release the individuals from this state of irrationality, seduction by the Woman-Moon.


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She kissed me putting her face on mine. Nothing wrong with it and thus assuring me said that I and She are one. I had a  new birth where I was She and She was I, both became ONE , never to be separated again and become different. Because I followed unflinchingly the words of BEING-as-GURU, the Mother and I became One and there is nothing wrong with it. I have told you as well established Truths these things and hence standing in the undying Metaphysical Ground arise from the foot to the very tops.


Here is Advaita or  Cayucciyam, the lose of ego identity and the  assumption of Divine, the death of Ego and the establishment of Egolessness and which constitutes  ANOTHER BIRTH and because of which such persons become the TWICE BORN. (This unfortunately has been  appropriated by caste Brahmins and who may not know any thing about such matters!). At the metaphysical life, the meanings of such kinship  terms as Wife Mother Sister etc. become INAPPLICABLE and therefore meaningless there.


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When you are absorbed in the real meditations or Thiyana, you become like flame lighted at the top of tall hill. If you can see the Flame at  the top  of  immobile Mountain, that itself is an amazing thing and quite sufficient  for maintaining your physical body as a permanent abode.  There is no going the wrong way when you succeed in seeing the Mountain Flame  for the Transductive perceptual capacity, the Vision of the Third Eye becomes something permanent. And with that you can defeat the troublesome Yama, the God of Death.


This summarizes the essential wisdom of the Siddhas. They never cared for dogmas, scriptures institutions and what not because they saw them  as impediments rather than help for the Metaphysical Journey that each one has to make for himself. They fostered a life DIRECT EXPERIENCING , of plunging into the Depths  and experiencing directly everything there. What they provide are NOT  dogmas, well thought out precepts divine disclosures etc.  but rather various kinds of advises strictly based upon DIRECT EXPERIENCE. Everyone is endowed with the Third Eye and that must be opened and the individuals enabled to SEE for themselves the Depths and be in the company of the Gods and after which they will take over the guidance that would help  the anmas go to the TOP of the Mountain, the Kailash where ends the journey, the exploration.

Àﺡì¸Ã ¦ºÀò ¾¢Â¡Éõ The Panjsaakkira Japath Thiyaanam


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We can overcome all intoxication of the mind with recitation of the mantra 'Om NA-MA-SI-VA-YA" of BEING -as-the-FIVEFOLD-ACTIVITIES. It is also said by the great (Siddhas) that with the recitation of this Mantra, we attain the Power to effect the eight fold processes that constitute the essence of Siddha Science and enact  them in the world instantaneously. But that is NOT the case : the mantra you have to recite is : "SI-VA-YA-NA-MA kli Om". if you mutter this continuously  the Siddhas will emerge within you as hidden presence and teach you all the trade secrets.


The SI-VA-YA-NA-MA is an anagram that stands for the five fold processes of : production, retention, annihilation and through them that concealing and disclosing. These processes are everywhere, the physical and metaphysical and constitutes  the most certain understanding of BEING. Continuos recitation of this mantra really means continuos understanding of everything in terms of these. The addition Kli pertains to invoking the Grace of Woman, the ParaSakthi and that of Om , that of SathaSiva,  BEING as both phenomenal and transcendental or noumenal. Firming oneself in this mode of Being will ensure communicative relationship with the Siddhas,  here some kind of divine powers that facilitate the Siddha Science.


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When it is said that you must stand firm the DWELLING mentioned is Pothikai, HILL of the Originating Ground that  renders real security. You must SEE (with your mental eyes) this HILL  and keeping that vision firm draw students who understand that kind of possibility. If you are bound to the family life and simply living forever in economic pursuits,  what can I say except that it will not be conducive for metaphysical excursions that requires the unbinding of the senses. Now if  suitable students or children are not forth coming, it is better to live practicing asceticism.


The Pothikai is the metaphysical Hill where resides Agasthiya, arche Siddhas, the archetype that takes over an individual and makes him function like a Siddha, i.e. someone capable of the Third Eye or the mental eye that affords transductive perceptions.


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If one reads and understand the relevant and good scriptures, the noble Siddhas will emerge  and allow membership among them.  If you understand BEING, the ONE I will also say : I will accept you also as a Siddha of strong will. I will then teach you all the secrets of of preparing medicines and enable you to  the wear adornments of a Great Guru. Now if  you have competencies arising from real seeing, continue living in the world practicing the necessary austerities.


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Complete your austerities by evoking the Grace of BEING and if you attain them then return to POTHIKAI the Hill of Originating Ground.  Earlier (when I was like that ) I called out to the Siddhas to witness them and now I will relate to you the meditative practices having learned the relevant signs. If you recite  a hundred thousand times the FIVE LETTERS, both Siva (Aran, the Destroyer) )  and  Vishnu (Ari,  the Regenerator) will emerge into your understand and instruct further. They will allow you into the membership of those who live in makaaram i.e. the WAY of Union of Vintu and Natham. In this way I have related to you the way to become a great Siddha


Here again emerges the peculiar orientation of Siddhas , their orientation to make everybody EXPERIENCE FOR THEMSELVES the realms of the metaphysical world. This constitutes the ESSENCE of the genuinely religious, the real experiencing and directly witnessing for oneself the archetypal presentations of BEING. The Aran here is BEING-as-Destroyer and Ari BEING-as-Regenerator the two basic processes the keeps going the world and everything in it. The Siddhas always integrated both the Vaishnava and Saiva views within their metaphysics.


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In this way I have communicated very openly and clearly the WAY and if you don't understand it , what can be done?. With the Grace of the Golden Lord Murukan , I have unlocked the secrets and thrown into open for everybody to understand and appreciate.  Just don't give this Text just to anybody and make sure the deserving ones are those who are capable of metaphysical journey where are present both Vintu and Natham .i.e. the Suzimunai. Now if you insult it saying that it is all mere gibberish, be warned that the God of Death will draw you unto him.


Murukan, the Brilliant Light is that presentation of BEING-the -ALWAYS-RADIANT  that illuminates the anmas by the destroying the DARKNESS within which the metaphysical realms gets covered up. The journey of the Suzimunai is that metaphysical journey where both Vintu and Natham and their archetypal forms Father and Mother or Aran and Ari are always co-present i.e. where one is NOT suppressed in favor of the other that  occurs in the Idakalai and Pingkalai journeys.

(to continue)