Dream Theory in ArutkuRaL
By Dr K.Loganathan
ArutkuRal is a massive text I wrote a few years back in a metrical style known as kuRal in Tamil literary tradition. Thereare three chapters and hence 30 couplets on dreams and related states of consciousness.While many have appreciated the views expressed, there has also been severe criticisms. My contention that dream experiences can help the attaining ofABSOLUTE UNDERSTANDING has not been that well received. I shall select some of these couples and explain theessential contents of my dream theory before considering the view of others and actually enter into the exciting part ofinterpreting interesting dreams. I have actually kept a record of most of my dreams for the last ten years and have beenstudying very closely some of them.
1. Dreaming is a Learning Experience.
By learning is meant here the destruction
of IGNORANCE, a DARKNESS inherent to the souls and which is there
already with them from beginningless times.
It is ANATI, unoriginated and hence nothing to do with Freudian
UNCONSCIOUS that results because of repression
or suppression. It is not the Collective Unconscious of C.G.JUNG
it not the source of archetypes. It
is simply the absence of consciousness , a state of Being that we shall
ABCONSCIOUS to distinguish it from other
related states of Being. It is Darkness generated by GIGGOSUM that in
Tamil Saiva literature is called ANAVAM.
a] A dream experience pierces through this
enveloping Darkness simultaneously disclosing a TRUTH that has been
hidden, covered up and so forth. A dream
experience is ILLUMINATING, lights up an area of Darkness that has
remained unlighted up so far. The experience
comes along with the reflective experiences of the day but usually showing
some elements that have escaped our notice.
It is in a way INFORMATIVE of something related to that experience but
which we failed to access during the day
while in active commerce with the senses.
1. kanavenpatu oortaling kaNNathu kaaNpatu
karutaR kariyameyk karu
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b] But the understanding of the dreams belongs
to the field of HERMEUTIC SEMIOTICS for all dreams need to be
interpreted to be understood. Furthermore
the dreams are METAPHORICAL in nature and hence what is communicated
is essentially semiotically related. It is
hermeneutical because the dream disclosure is a TEXT that has a Surface
and a Deep Structure. The interpretation
is actually onto-pretation the going from the Surface Structure elements
to the
Deep Stucture elementsts which is the MEANING
of the dream.
6. UnakkaN utavA meykaLai kanavinvazi
Njaanak kaN Ukkum nallaruL
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C] Some dreams are peculiar in that
the deep archetypes emerge into the consciousness camouflaged in earthly
forms thatare with the normal experience of the individuals. Such dreams
are the sources of the mythologies and folklores and arefull
of the magical and mystical. They can be easily misunderstood as the bizarre
and fantas-tic, quite unbelievable etc.
But such incredulity arises only because
the interpretive norms of naive hermeneutics of ordinary experience is
applied to
them without considering their archetypal
and hence the essentially mythical character.
9. purANa urukkaLin putumozip payilumE
aRituyi lAngkAtci
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2.Dreaming Experiences Bring About Releasement
a] One of the basic facts
of human existence is that there is bodily and mental constraints
of various kinds. The bodily
constraints are obvious, men cannot conceive
and give birth to a child like a woman. Less obvious are the inner cognitive
constraints. The mental functioning is deeply
constrained by prejudices of various kinds thatTolkAppiyar calls vinai
vilangku, i.e. chains of a kind. The mind
cannot be creative, productive and innovative unless these chains are destroyed
and the cognitive functioning is made
more fluid and flexible. One of the functions of dreams is to bring about
fluidity, flexibility and productivity. The
mind is made to experience a bewildering variety of the fantastic and magical,
the unbelievable and the impossible. The
straight jackets of the mind is loosened and the person is made to think
lines he dares not under normal circumstances.
URRa vudampin uRuththum paRkaddu
Viddazikka vidinthanak kanavukaL
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kaadciyung kanavung uLakaruL
puuthipuR RaLaippukun tOdum
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b] Certainly there are different
types of dreams depending upon the Depths reached. The very deep dreams,
compared tothe widely sexual and superficial , are archetypal in
nature where the divine forces themselves emerge into the deep
recesses of the human mind. The experience
borders the religious. During such precious moments, the deep parts of
mind where resides the GIGGOSUM itself is
somehow reached and what's more the BLACK stuff thwarted somehow.
The bestial hold of Giggosum is violated
and hence the self definitised somewhat. The narrowness of outlook
and vision
is changed so that it is broader and deeper.
The person ascends in personal development so that he is a better person
a more endearing personality. Along with
the growth of such mental health there is growth in physical wellbeing
as well.
Such deep dreams are in fact self purificational.
Azak kanavukaL aNumaiyaith thiiykkum
Paazak kanavukaL pAri
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udarkaddu muLakkaddu mudaikkumee uRangkungkaal
untikamalat tinezumuyar kanavu
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paRRellaam pazikkum paasaththaLai erikkum
uRRuNarvaar uLaththezu kanavu
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c] The most important aspect of dream
experience is related to the different experiencing of TIME. There are
different modes in which we experience time:
TEMPORALITY or psychological time and the physical WORLD TIME
that is the matter for astronomical calculations.
Temporality is related to our basic COMPETENCE for time reckoning as
such. Dream experiences, in severing our
commerce with the worldly, exposes us to TEMPORALITY of TIME
consciousness in its purity. There
is only a succession of dream events with the dreamer caused to be in the
Mode of
Being of awaiting for the yet to come. He
awaits for the NEXT, the yet to come without being able to pin the
dream event into a spatio-temporaly locatable event in world history.
There is no OTHER with respect to whose experience he can locate his own
dream experience. It throws him into a world where the normal spatio-temporal
categories are inapplicable. This is one of the reasons why dreams are
so difficult to understand and have to be looked at as belonging to
Hermeneutic Semiotics.
kaddakaRRung kanavin kaalamung kuRuukum
viddakal viduumpaRRu muRRa
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3.Experiencing the Mythical
a] Western Historicism emphasizes
the phenomenal reality and hence World Time consciousness and along with
physical causality. A historical event must
have a set of antecedent events which causally determine the event and
nature under question. Any personal problem
is also analyzed in terms of a set of causal events: the cultural background,
the sociopolitical patterns of life, the
forms of upbringing, early childhood experiences and such other
external factors.
Dream experiences shatter all these by throwing
us into the realms of the mythical and metaphorical. The world is begun
to be seen as a DRAMA enacted by forces that
are powerful and at the same time uncanny. The events in a person's
and in fact what a person is, is constituted
by these archetypal forces which are for most of the time unconscious.
ahistorical way of seeing the world and what
happens to one belongs to the field of transductive perception the beginning
of which is dreaming experience. It
is that which has been described as the THIRD EYE which is just a colorful
describing what everybody has a competence
that probably remains untapped. Everybody dreams but only some who
recall them, a limitation that can be corrected
by practice.
kanavum mERkaadciyung kaaaNpaarkku
nookkuN dee nunit tuyara
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b] The dreaming experience allows us a peep
into our own unconscious, the hidden recesses within our mind
where the
forces at PLAY are made to work.
But it is not always the case that we have dreams that are archetypal and
something bordering deep religious experience.
The soul must be ready for such deeply satisfying dream experiences.
The worldly people, tied to the earthly are
denied such accesses. One must be desirous of Deep Wisdom, the Absolute
TRUTH, a true understanding of
the world free of various prejudices that condition our worldly existence.
There must be a fine tuning and a receptivity of the mysterious and
subterranean forces that may be dark and unsavory at times.
One must be brave to face the Dark Side of oneself by discarding the false
face-masks that one wears for the world and also for oneself. One must
be ready to unmask and be NAKED , ready for a certain of kind NIRVANA,
a psychological
nudity , a baring of oneself of prejudices
that condition our ordinary experiences.
kaadcik karitaaya karukkaLaik
mIdci viruppin vittakar
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c] Thus dreaming experience is
purificatory in a way and when one persists in it , interpret and
gain a proper
understanding of them, there is the destruction
of IGNORANCE or the anjnjaanam in the Indian philosophies. And as
persist more and more in this task, more
of this Abconsciousness is destroyed and inner self flooded with INNER
RADIANCE or uLLOLI. It is actually wiping
clean the dirty windows so that the light that is always there shines within
undistorted and unsullied. The SEEING becomes
PURE so that the understanding becomes free of falsities. In the end it
leads to enjoying the ABSOLUTE understanding
i.e. civanjaanam, the TRUTH. One gains an understanding of
of every person only waiting to owned and appropriated as the
understanding of self itself..
kanvenung kuRimozi kaNtuunyn
uNavau muyarciva njaanam
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d] The deeply symbolic dreams are actually
archetypal in nature and hence disclosures of BEING itself. Each archetype
is a presentation of BEING and not the product
of mental fictions. One does not fantasize or imagine them even
transcendentally. They are presentations
of BEING , shapes BEING assumes in order to enact the DRAMA of life
however BEING remaining forever uninvolved
in the PLAY. BEING does not play as a sport or anything like that,
it is
not a LILA , game of amusements but a more
serious unfoldment of the GRACE of BEING, an infinite KINDNESS
knows only the sufferings of the souls.
Being FULL OF LOVE, BEING assumes these archetypal forms to instruct
illuminate the psychic beings suffering in
their worldly entanglement. Such deep dreaming experiences are
of a profound kind.
kanavin kaadciyin karuttin palllutippin
ninaivil vArAvIsannin RAduvAn
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nuzaivinait tantu nuthalvaa niRaivan
kanaviR Ranakkaatti yaruLi
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4. Dreaming Experience as Pedagogical
a] The sensorial experience which
is basic and common to everybody is peculiarly important in that it provides
the most
assured sense of reality. However this confidence
in the sensorial is misplaced for the most important aspects of reality
unconscious and become available for experiencing
only when we enter dream-like experiences . Things that are there in
the world become ACCESSIBLE only during these
states of consciousness. And because they open up new realms of
reality , light up the hitherto UNKNOWN
realities as present there as the POWERS that in fact constitute what one
is ,
such experiences become pedagogical. There
is LEARNING not in the behavioral sense but rather in the sense
understood in Agamic Psychology, learning
in the sense of REDUCION of INNER DARKNESS, or ignorance.
scope of experience itself becomes EXTENDED
so that the mind and along with it , the cognitive processes are made
deeper and more profound. New creative capabilities
become available for the individual
kAriruL azivin kAdciyung kanavum
pAlavan padaikkum pAdam
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B] We are using the term "dreaming-experience"
in an extended sense communicated by the frequently occurring phrase
kanavum kAdciyum. Broadly speaking there
at least TWO distinct dreaming states: dreaming while asleep and dreaming
while awake (which is not day dreaming) The
mechanisms are the same though the quality and contents are different.
sensorial commerce is disengaged because
of sleep for sleep-dreams and meditative stance for awake-dreams.
practice leads one to enjoy also the awake-dreams
in which the archetypes are experienced in the phenomenal drama,
how in fact they constitute the worldly events.
In Saiva Literature these states of higher dreams are called yOkak kAdci
vinjAnak kAdci civanjAnak kAdci etc. The
states of consciousness are also distinguished into suzuththi , turiam
finally tiyAtiitam. The last named is the
highest . In all such higher states, BEING itself discloses itself so that
archetypal presentations of BEING are directly
experienced in their phenomenal disclosures.
kanavung kAdciyung kadantaturi
uruvilaa turuvAkumoN poruL
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c] The understanding that comprehends ALL these states of consciousness finally attains an understanding in which there is NO UNCONSCIOUS at all, no more DARKNESS or ignorance. The understanding is absolutely TRANSLUCENT, there is NOTHING that it does not comprehend. As such it is the final state of consciousness or understanding called sivanjAnam in Saiva literature. It is that TOWARDS which all our efforts are directed though under normal circumstances we are not clear and rather confused about it. But as our earthly involvement become loosened , this NEED surfaces to the fore and becomes the consuming passion of an individual. It is only at this point an individual becomes philosophic or metaphysical, deeply committed to the experiencing the hidden realities, the mysterious and mystical, the real stuff of religious experience.
turiyattin atiitatiR RonRntoR
vizikaLvE Rilainutal
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aRivariya iRaivanai aRivaakk
aRithavat tinmeyp payan
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d] The dream experiences , in this extended
sense of the word, are genuinely meta-physical, the going beyond the purely
physical. As such they also constitute
the genuinely re-ligious , the connecting back with BEING by overcoming
severance with BEING of ordinary experience.
Once we begin to explore the UNCONSCIOUS as a field of
HERMENEUTIC SCIENCE , a science where everything
experienced including the dreams are taken as TEXTS that
need to be INTERPRETED to be understood,
we also transform the religious dimensions of human experiences as
a field of SCIENCE and hence a field of RATIONAL ACTIVITY. The religions
will cease to be DOGMATIC but rather a
scientifically tuned explorations of the
metaphysical realms. We accomplish by this also the dream of Husserl of
philosophy as a rigorous science but philosophy
understood as the same as metaphysics.