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Praise be to the Illuminating Light that stands as the most Primordial; Praise be to all the devotees who attain the Grace of Aran; I will expound the secrets pertaining to the metaphysical Sun and Moon and the way they are together in the Suzimunai as expounded by the famous eighteen Siddhas and as taught by BEING who wears the Crescent Moon. I will expound the WAY that would help to overcome all the existential miseries though diksa and for this I invoke the Guidance of Maha KaNabati, the Power that serves to overcome all obstacles.
The experience of LIGHT is the deepest metaphysical experience that is ever possible for man. Nabi(sal) is reported to have said: Allah hides Himself in the form Light. Similar experiences are recorded among the Christian mystics St. Ignatious, St, Theresa and forth . The Sumerian En Udu aNNa describes Inanna as 'u dalla e-a" i.e. Radiant Light. It is experience of BEING as LIGHT that overcomes the differetia that underlies our religious and metaphysical quarrels . The experience LIGHT is also said to be the KaRpam, the medicine that cures the soul of all ills and hence enables the enjoyment of Bliss. This treatise seeks to INSTRUCT the WAY in which anyone can gain an experience of this kind for himself. Hence it is a text in Hermeneutic Science something that allows for criticism in case it is wrong and the claims are spurious.
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If you follow the WAY in agreement with me, then let me tell you that the idakalai, the numenotropism is the mantra complexes of Akaaram-type in action and which is experienced as the Metaphysical Moon; the graceful Pingkalai , charmenotropism is Ukaaram-type mantras in action and which is experienced as the metaphysical Sun. Now those who move further without neglecting both of these tropisms and ascent to the very top of the Logos ongkaaram, then they will experience the makaaram-type of mantras which will facilitate the coming together of the Moon and Sun. At that union the ambrosia will arise in the head and the person can witness the Radiant Light resembling the sun of the world
Thus begins the description of the PRACTICAL way in which anyone can experience the LIGHT for himself. The Nadies are the instinctual psychic pressures , the primordial source of all human motivations and dynamics. The Sun dominated structure creates the pressures for REASONING and Moon dominated that for ENJOYMENT. It is also called KaanaRpaal and Kaamap Paal. Moving along BOTH the desires is the path of Suzimunai, where the Sun and Moon are copresent interactively making the person creative and productive. At the end of this metaphysical journey we have both the Sun and MOON becoming ONE with total and inseparable FUSION. It is at this that Ambrosia that overcomes all miseries and ensures good health and longevity is said flow into body from somewhere in the brain.
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The ego-sense generating Akaaram-type mantras are actually Vintu; and the achievement granting ukaaram-type mantras the Natham. That which lifts up understanding towards the metaphysical is the Suzimunai where resides the makaaram-type mantras. My son! These truths have been hidden by the Siddhas from the reach ordinary people. For unless they become BEING orientated and have trust in HIM, He will not instruct on these secrets assuming the from of Guru. I Akattiyar, disclose now these secrets of Sivayoga for the benefit of those good sons of mine.
It is the Vintu (Yin) that appears as the Akaaram-type of mantras and Natham (Yang) the Ukaaram-type. It is said that only in the metaphysical movement of the mind that both are co-present and interactive. Natham is that which gives the Fighting Spirit and hence the possibility of various kinds of achievements, saathanai while the Vintu the creativity and productivity, the genesis of ideas and notions.. The ordinary Siddhas conceal these truths from the reach of the ordinary beings but Akattiyar, overcome with LOVE for all, discloses the secrets that would enable all to enjoy a blissful life.
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And as I promised I will tell you something more. Without relenting and deviating establish yourself in this experience of Light and press further along that WAY. For you should know that the vain study of scriptures is quite useless unless you have the help BEING-as-GURU to attain genuine illuminations. Those who do not have this help will die without attaining the metaphysical clarities. Like the goldsmiths who melt the gold, you must melt your mind to make fluid and flow. With this kind of mental Openness, close your earthly eyes in order to open your metaphysical eye. And Lo behold! When this eye opens it will kill all the elements that kills you and so persist in these metaphysical excursions where BEING is present as the Dancing Lord.
It is emphasized here that the study of scriptures, memorizing reciting and so forth in ritualistic manner is quite useless unless real metaphysical journeys are entered into and something that's possible only if BEING helps along as the Inner Guru. An important precondition for this help to become available is the Openness and Fluidity of the mind. A mind that is NOT OPEN, fluid and flexible , because it is NOT READY to LEARN and reform itself is denied this kind of help.
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The Idakalai is activated by Natham, the Pinkalai by Vintu. These Siva tatvas are experienced as the metaphysical Moon and Sun, Cantiran and Suriyan or Mathi and Ravi. They also take the form of solidified fluid (the Kaaram) and the ever flowing and mobile Ganges (or Saaram) . But both are ultimately variants of the Brilliant Light.
The Ganges flowing on the tuft of Siva as
well as the crescent Moon are both transformations of Vintu, the principle
that introduces FLUIDITY and flexibility. Natham on the other hand
as the Inner Sun, Dries Up the fluidity and brings about rigidity including
the rigidity of the mind. Both are necessary to destroy the existing and
regenerate something new. The metaphysical journey is one where the existing
is destroying and something new is regenerated.
The metaphysical journey is the final pilgrimage, the REAL pilgrimage that puts an end to the phenomenal circulation by gaining a releasement. Though normally couched in mythologies, the science of Mantrayana pierces through this mythical clothing and sees the real meanings in their authencity. Ultimately it is a movement conditioned by three Mantra types Akaaramtype, Ukaaramtype and makaaramtype , all these three being differentiation of the primordial LOGOS, the AUM or the Ongkaaram, the Language of One Syllable, the ultimate source of all understanding and intelligence. The following verses explain some aspects of this experience: the seeing of the Metaphysical colors and the Supreme Deities encountered there and transgressed towards reaching BEING, the PuuraNam, the Absolute.
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All the words of the really wise are for the realization of the makaaram-type mantras, the union of the akaram of Vintu, and ukaram of Natham. Try to see with your two eyes penetratingly into the hidden and concealed in the worldly processes going to bottom-most layer , the deepest strata. As you access these metaphysical grounds you will see the appropriate signs and new realms resplendently bright. As you immerse in these metaphysical visions, all evil karmic deposits will be burnt off. You will empower yourself with the eight fold Siddhies like aNima etc. and also all medicines you desire to cure your ills. And if you still persist raising your breathing higher into these metaphysical worlds, finally you will reach a ground where there is NO DEATH , no Karmic deposits throwing you back into the world and of course there is NO DARKNESS whatsoever.
When the seeing of man goes beyond the physical and begins to see the hidden in the natural only then the real mantra-world is accessed. At the beginning, experiences here are clothed in the Language of Myths but when we try to understand through Hermeneutic Semiotics the Meanings concealed in the mythological garb, Deep Illuminations are attained and many realms hitherto in the Dark now become translucent or transparent, something Understood. As we persist in gaining such illuminations, the Karmic deposits-- all those elicited by our past self related egoistic actions are burnt off and hence we escape from all the miseries in life. Not only that-- with self-purification comes along all the Powers, the Siddhies that would enable the attainment whatever that is desired so that all desires are overcome through the necessary enjoyments. Further progress in this Journey leads to the GROUND of Deathlessness, the Heaven of the mythologies of all world religions.
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Now when I say there is NO Darkness and if you ask for whom then I will say it is for those who move along Idai Kalai as their eyes. The words that there is no Metaphysical Poverty is for those who see all the FIVE metaphysical colors. And there is NO EGO for those who gets absorbed in the Brilliant Radiance by keeping their fleshy eyes on the tips of their nose. And the words : all the blessings will come as if spontaneous is for those who persist in their life without ever deviating from the guidance of INNER LIGHT that instals the life of Bakthi.
The Idai Kalai is that dominated by Natham,
the Masculine and hence that pressure within under the regulation of ukaaram
-type of Mantras. The intellectual activities are favored and hence the
attainment of LIGHT, Understanding, Lumens. The Five colors are the
colors of Vintu, the WOMAN and hence getting all the five colors is actually
getting all the ISWARIAM, the wealth and riches of the world, the objects
of all human desires-- physical, metaphysical, intellectual, sensual and
what not.
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The Colors: Pearly White, Green, Coral Red , Pure White and the primordial color Yellow - all these five are different presentations of BEING-as-WOMAN, the source of the FIVE FOLD activities that are universal. In idakalai resides Bramma, PingkaLai VishNu and in Suzimunai where both Vintu and Natham meet resides Rudra. And in the location of the metaphysical eyes resides Makesan. For these variants of Natham we have the variants of Vindu as follows: for Sivan (or Sathaasiva) ManonmaNi, for Brahma the deity of Learning vaaNi, and for the everlasting VishNu we have Laksmi.
The colors mentioned above are spelt out in detail here. These are the different presentations of BEING-as-WOMAN and hence sources of all the human desires. The pearly white stands for moderation and gentleness, the green the sensual pleasures, the red real compassionate Love , the pure White True Understanding and Yellow the desire for Releasement , the absolution of all earthly desires of the flesh.
It is also noted that Brahma is the deity of idakalai alone and hence only the Ukaaram-type mantra while Vishnu that of Akaaram-type. However within this confine they have the Akaaram-type mantras as their consorts VaaNii and Laxmi. However the Saiva archetypes are noted to be in Suzimunai where are present both Vintu and Natham in equal measures but to different degrees of inter penetration and saturation.
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For Rudra it is Rudri (also Known as KoRRavai etc), for Makeswara is Maheswari. But right at the top of this metaphysical journey you will find KaNabathi with l Vaalai as the originating grounds of all androgynous divine-pairs. Now if you manage to get into it an establish yourself firmly there you will be able encounter Siva-Sakthi , the prototype for all these androgynous deities and be able to LISTEN to their words, get messages from them directly. At that point the body too becomes a Divine Ground and hence absolutely pure without any defilement. In this way I have articulated the words of BEING-as-GURU that I was graced with
The most important notion here is the peculiarity of Ganapathi with Valaai where is said to be the GROUND archetypes for all the above paired androgynous deities. It is the Mulak KaNapathi, the closest to BEING and hence noted rather metaphorically as the Muutta PiLLai, the eldest or the most primordial son. But going beyond even this one could encounter SIVA-SAKTHI, the world Father-Mother, the presentation of BEING as the androgynous pair, the most primordial prototype for the genesis of whatever in the world.
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If taking these words into account if you PRACTICE without ever failing in this metaphysical journey and conquer the base sexual desires (the bridge of HAIR) and the aggressive tendencies ( the River of FIRE) then you will be able to get intuitions directly from BEING the FULL and WHOLE who will mingle with you directly All the Siddhas concealed this TRUTH without showing the WAY towards BEING. I will now explain further about this so that the seed of pre understanding that's already there in the bosom of everyone does not go into waste.
The Mayirppaalam and Neruppa ARu are metaphors frequently used by the Siddhas. The hair represents in dreams and mythologies sexual prowess and hence worldly desires. The FIRE is the element underlying ANGER and the desire to kill and destroy.The seed for being-with BEING is already there in the bosom of everyone. What is required is making it GROW and Develop. That's what this Agaththiyar is trying to do in this text.