Akattiyar Njanasaitanyam 51 «¸ò¾¢Â÷ »¡É¨º¾ýÂõ-51
No. 11-20
âý Å¢ÀÃõ : How to Attain Fullness
Now begins the Sathana that is the ultimate among all the sadhanas , that which confers the Limiting way of Being, that beyond which nothing is possible. This is the terminal state of all metaphysical excursions, that towards which all religions aspire in their own ways. This is the Pure Religion, the religion that remains the Deep Structure of all religions and the Presupposition of all religions.
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Now I will explain to you that Whole which confers the end state and if you ask me what exactly it is then listen: It is just simply a vast Empty Space that is attained at the peak of the movement of the soul impelled by desire for metaphysical illuminations, the Suzimunai Naadi and certainly nothing else. Don't be disturbed and think that it is something else. It is the Peedam where you can get whatever powers that you want to attain. And don't ever announce to the world that you have actually seen this FULL WHOLENESS. There will be problems if you articulate the truth about the THREE FLAMES. See the THREE sources of the worldly traditions for yourself for the Siddhas will not tell you what they are in fact
The end point of all metaphysical endeavors is a Vast Emptiness, the Sunyam, a space of Absolute Nothingness, the Thillai Ambalam or Thiru SiRRampalam which is also the Sithambara Rakasiyam. This Vast Emptiness is that which is also enclosed in every Mosque of the Muslims, a Pure Nothingness . This is also the "sattu etir suunyam" of Meykandar, the emptiness that arises because of the overcoming of Cuddu, the that-ness and hence something nonverbalisable. It is warned saying anything pertaining to that experience introduces a fissure and hence a thoosham, a fault, here it being the re-introduction of the that-ness, Cuddu.
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Now you ask me for whom this Sathana is recommended , it is only for those who have known the secrets of the breathing processes and who have mastered the art of breath-control. You must understand the WORDS that emerge from that Space remaining for this purpose absolutely Pure without any relationship with deceitful and quarrelsome people. You must concentrate on that Emptiness and press your heart relentlessly in that direction of this Full Wholeness. I am advising thus in order to make you avoid useless words that do not help you at all. If you have the strength of will and determination, go ahead and see for yourself the ORIGIN of the Three Nadies.
The Supreme Being, realized here as NOTHINGNESS,
a Pure Emptiness is possible only for those who manage to see Its presence
in the breathing processes that afford Living as such. The experience of
Pure Emptiness or Nothingness is possible only for those who are NOT AFRAID
of death and such are those who understand the mystery surrounding living.
The VaaNenRa Col are the words or mantras that emerge as if spontaneous
from that Empty Space and which further illuminate the individual. To enjoy
this and understand the messages that "drop down" from the sky, the non
association with the impure individuals is a social necessity as
their company is likely introduce disturbances.
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I have related to you the way of Suzimunai, moving along the WAY where both akaram and Ukaaram-type of mantras interact and where both Vintu and Natham are copresent just as a help for your correct metaphysical journey. Don't relate this to the ignorant fools who will never understand it and on the contrary ridicule you disturbing your peace. Concentrate first on the experience of Inner Light and then try to understand the Suzimunai where occur the makaaram-type of mantras. As you persist in this journey, all the 96 tatvas that constitute the phenomenality will drop off as if spontaneous and because of which there will be Clear Light shining majestically in your forehead, the region of Clear Consciousness. You need not Fear this experience and after twelve years of such majestic visions , the Absolutely Transcendent will grant you all your wishes.
The region of forehead is Iladath TaaNam, the region of Clear Consciousness, consciousness devoid of the mythical and metaphorical. Meykandar mentions this as "Iladatte aintu avaittai eytal" as well as "cakkiraa atiitam" normally indicated by the body posture where both eyes are kept at the tip of the nose. While all other experiences are couched in the mythical and metaphorical modes message presentation, and hence requiring the Interpretive Maneuvers of the intellect, all these cease at this region where Pure Consciousness, the Njaana Saitanyam shines resplendently and everything is UNDERSTOOD non-interpretively by being-one-with- all as they themselves are. It is also a state of Releasement, the disengaging from all identity constituting Tatvas and hence may be frightening as its borders the experience of death itself.
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When become well entrenched in this Pure Consciousness, BEING will disclose to you whatever you desire and open up all mysteries surrounding existence. So to be competent for this End State of supreme illumination, of direct Revelations, avoid all the worldly illusions and delusions, discard anger and the devilish Egotism. Be absorbed totally and always on this Meru, the region of Pure Light . Also see for yourself the Mother, the BEING-with-VINTU who makes all these possible. Now listen to my own experience of this Immense Light that emerged as if spontaneous in my metaphysical journey.
It is at this final stage that Thirobava, the Concealment of BEING is slowly removed, something that no human efforts can achieve. This removal of transcendental concealment always remains the prerogative of BEING and only those who have conquered their Ego are granted this. The egoistic individuals full of TaRpootam will always assert their own arrogant self-will and hence always with mind closed to receive and understand the messages coming from the Pure Space. The Mother here is AruL Sakthi, the Vintu that provides the experience of Clear Light that purifies the individual.
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This experience is an experience of Immense Heat, millions of Suns where surges forth millions of Flames as if lightning. When witnessing it, it is very painful. It is an experience of Blinding Flashes with thunders and lightning of immense brilliance. But however this inner experience transmutes the physical body making it shine resplendently like the sun. It repeats itself and there is no mistaking-- it is always experiencing of Radiance of Immense Heat and Light. There is no thatness and after that this experience of Nothingness don't persist in the earthly existence, arise towards the Heavenly
This experience of immense Heat and Light
is the Ultimate earthly experience, the Limiting Experience of the phenomenal
struggles. It purifies the self of all the enchaining elements and hence
the anma attains the state of being a pure mantra-body. On attaining this
it is deemed that continuing existence with the physical body
becomes an enchainment and a burden hence something to be avoided
as no more necessary having evolved into being the mantra-species.
º¡Å¢ý ÝìÌÁõ: The Secrets of Death
Now begins the central concern of the Siddhas,
that of conquering death and which is preceded by an account of how death
in fact comes about. As far as the Siddhas are concerned the central seeking
in all genuine religions and hence metaphysical experiences is that of
maintaining the body and soul in good health and through that gaining metaphysical
illuminations that would help to conquer the tendency to be born
again and again into the physical world. This is NOT attaining
immortality or Paradise of popular religions but rather going
beyond this mortal-immortal dichotomy and ascending to a realm of Being
where such possibilities DO NOT ARISE at all and which they called Viidu
PeeRu or Moksa.
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If you do not ascend to the peak i.e. the realm where births deaths do NOT arise , there is no use in whatever you do; you DO NOT get to do the exercises that would in fact bring about real development. Those who do attain experiences instituted by the genuine psychotropisms of Ida kaLai PingkaLai etc., the real Yoga, the Union with BEING will not be possible. How can those who do not know the difference between the heads and legs even walk properly? How can those who do not know the muulikai plants come to know the real herbal medicines? For those who do not isolate themselves and continue their tribal existence in a mob-like manner, the signs of Divinity will not be disclosed. Those who do not know the functions of the head, i.e. deep thinking of the metaphysical type will be denied the real austerities . And furthermore death is certain for those who continue with their tribalism and mob-like social existence where caste distinctions are emphasized.
Births and deaths belong to the historical way of being which exists in us instituting the desires for procreation and having scions to carry on the family name. This desire for Santhana Viruththi is that which is written into the seminal fluid that creates the sexual pressures and hence conjugal relationships. Malai eeRuthal is transcending and going above this kind of earthly desires. Genuine religious or metaphysical life presupposes this desire to go beyond the physical and explore the metaphysical, overcoming the sexual desires and transmuting it into Union with BEING.
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If you ask me why there is death in the world, I will tell you that it because the mind does not steady itself in the metaphysical realms. Birth and death happens because of the presence for desires for procreating the species and for which the seminal fluid (the Vintu) is produced in the body and which creates pressures within for conjugal relationships. And furthermore when the sexual passions are NOT kept under control everything that are seen, impelled by these desires becomes FALSE or discolored by underlying prejudices. Like jaggery mixed with calcium so are the real metaphysical desires mixed with the false earthly wants and wishes. You should analyze and separate out the region of the BEING who resides there as the most authentic GURU and abide by his instructions alone.
Birth and death belong to historical or physical. When the mind becomes unmindful of the metaphysical, it falls an easy victim to the physical where lurks death for here is present aaNava, that which breeds Death. This is made worse where sexual desires go uncontrolled, where the metaphysical is made totally irrelevant for existence and the physicalistic or materialistic concerns takes over the entire psychic functioning. This untrammeled sexual passions also introduce a Metaphysical Blindness or Prejudice that distorts everything so that all seeing and understanding become distorted and false, quite often bordering illusions and delusions. The sexual passions seem to come with the cognitive mechanisms that breed fantasies, illusions and delusions. (Otherwise who wants to marry at all?)
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My dear son, I emphasized the analytical separation of the genuinely metaphysical from the merely physical and now listen further. The Trimurties Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra searching for it in the earthly could NOT locate it there. You implored me so much to expound the TRUTH to you but tell me : Did the Trimurties manage to attain it ? No one still tied to the earthly can ever understand Biramam, the Supremely Radiant BEING within the heart. But nevertheless I will tell you to the extant I understand IT and the first thing is that I did not see HIS SEAT any where within the earthly world.
Here it is mentioned that the ordinary religious life where the different deities are worshipped will not allow the experiencing of the Immense and Unfathomable Depths of BEING that BEING is Wholly Mysterious even though HE is WITHIN the heart always. Such cultic religions must be transcended to gain a DIRECT and UNMEDIATED experiencing of BEING.
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However when I departed the physical and explored the metaphysical I began to understand that which has to be seen as the experiential ( and not simply the verbal). I understood BEING as the Always Blissful Absolute ( caccitha aanantham) and as the ONE with whom can be one-with only through absolute Purity ( Sivam). I also understood this BEING as the GROUND BEING of the three basic psychotropisms and as the GURU (who always instructs all the creatures on Civanjanam through his tireless Play). I also saw the growing presence of Natham and Vintu and their infinite permutations and combinations. I also saw the metaphysical Sun and Moon that are pure forms of Natham and Vintu. I also saw the Three flames- the Sun and Moon and the Radiant Light where the Sun and Moon are copresent. At that point I also joined with Sathasiva in Suzimunai where both Natham and Vintu are always copresent in equal measures.
It is the metaphysical journey as conditioned
equally by Natham and Vintu, the Father-and- Mother . the Yin - Yang
that really leads one to escape the hold of the Physical and attain the
Metaphysical and being permanently there. It is this entry into the
Depths without the any desire for returning to physical that's the real
secret of overcoming death. Where bodily existence continues, metaphysical
journeys of this kind now and then provides the releasement and hence a
taste of deathlessness while still living with a physical frame. This is
the importance of genuine religion in our ordinary life.
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I joined the world of Suzimunai with also seeing everything within Lumenotropism of Idakalai and Charmenotropism of pingkaLai. I understood all the concealed metaphysical truths with the Grace of BEING. I really went to bottom-most layer of this metaphysical world and there standing firmly I called out for MOTHER. And the BEING-as-WOMAN came and gave me additional metaphysical LIGHT with the help of which I saw the real center of the whole Universe, on the promptings of Mother. There I severed all the ties of Karma that sends me back to the physical world repeatedly by establishing the LIGHT of Supreme Illumination in the region of my forehead.
The Mother here is Prasakthi, the Pure Light . It is only VISION as conditioned by this PURE LIGHT that finally burns off all the Karmic deposits and through that the unconscious forces that would push a psyche back into phenomenal circulations, an endless cycle of births and deaths.