«¸ò¾¢Â÷ »¡É¨º¾ýÂõ-51 Akatiyar Njanacaitanyam 51
Nos 40-51
±øÄ¡õ ´Ç¢§Â It's all Just Light
Here begins an account of how everything finally resolves into Pure Light, the ultimate in the mystic visions that has been recorded by all genuine mystics all over the world and from ancient times. However what is unique here and something not available elsewhere including the Vedas is an EXPLANATION in terms of Mantrayana. The Burst of LIGHT is made possible only when the a-kaaram type mantra meets and conjugates with the u-kaaram type and thus becoming the ma-kaaram type. These two basic group of mantras in ISOLATION fail to ignite and produce light just like a man and woman on their own cannot produce a child. The real metaphysical journey involves continuous bringing together the Natham (u-kaaram) and Vintu (a-kaaram). One must journey in the regions where Natham and Vintu get married and conjugate and produce Light in the world as well as in the mind. The mind can attain CLARITY in understanding not just simply by thinking or chatting away but by a strenuous effort in making the mind move in the direction of Suzimunai, where Natham and Vintu (Yin and Yang) meet and conjugate.
Since the verses are quite plain, I have
not added any additional notes.
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I will show that what you worship as Sakthi and Sivan are actually Pure Light; the Natham and Vintu that graces the world all the things is also Light; I will also add to that the Integral Whole as well as Ambrosia of everlasting life . The metaphysical Sun and Moon that are everywhere is also Light. Even the worldly moons and the suns are expression of this Light. And the mantra -formulae of the five ( Si-Va-Ya-Na-Ma) , the six ( Om Sa-Ra-Va-Na-Ba-Va) and the Eight that forever overflow and remain irrepressible ( Om Na-Ma Naa-Raa-Ya-Naa-Ya) are also nothing else but Light.
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This inner and outer radiance is produced
when akaram-type of mantras conjoin the ukaaram-type. They permeate the
vast universe as well the human body and everything in this universe become
evidences for these mantras. It is this LIGHT that becomes the 12 divisions
of the metaphysical Moon and 16 divisions of the metaphysical Sun. It is
that which becomes the air and the seed forms for the basic elements of
world genesis. It is that which becomes the CLARITY of the mind ,
the Gentleness of the soul as well as the breathing that establishes living
as such. They also emerge as the special mantras 'vang' 'sing' and 'mang'.
They became the vast expanse as well as the miniscules of restricted
spaces. It became the waters that nourishes life. It became the White
Light that diffracts into five different colors.
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So all these different things with different names in the end turn to be just Light and there is nothing more than that to them . But because of our inherent sexuality, we fail to see this Unity, the Light of transductive perception (the Third Eye of the forehead ) becomes cloudied and obscured. But all these perceptual experiences are there as your own possibilities and I have explained to you as clearly as possible. And now if you want to learn a certain strategy to attain this vision, let me instruct you on it. . When lying down to sleep, lower down your left hand.
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And when sleeping with both legs stretched out and thus relaxing the body put all your concentration on your forehead i.e. involve yourself in deep penetrating visions into the metaphysical depths. Wake up very early in the morning and having cleaned the body, dash your body with the sacred ash and before the morning passes bring out the venom (of worldly desires?) and kill them in the brilliant light of the sun. Having done this and while one third of the day has passed eat something very moderately and return to the exercises in metaphysical visions.
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Immerse yourself in the vision of the metaphysical Sun, eat the ambrosia that oozes from that vision which is also that which regenerates life and go to sleep in that state. When you live like that continuously , the body may become heated up and at which point anointing yourself with ghee and grain powders, you should have a good bath to cool off the body. Examine your bodily health , drink milk and take the necessary Kalpam for the whole week of this exercise. Now if you continue to live like this , you are in fact practicing the SivaRaja Yoga, the Yoga that really brings you success in your metaphysical endeavors.
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If a man practices this Yoga genuinely he
will see in his visions the ParaSakti, the Mother of all these things.
But if he is false then he will just burn himself to death. When you imbibe
this Pure Light as the ambrosia, then the body shines gold with real good
health. And when one succeeds in gaining a vision of of the
Woman, the ever youthful maiden who grants youthful vitality to men, he
becomes a Siddha . And when he persists in that vision and learns the hidden
secrets he becomes the Wise One. There is nothing useful in vain
chatter that is simply noise. He who really cares for metaphysical wisdom
will avoid useless words and will endeavor to explore the metaphysical
realms of Suzimunai where the Vintu meets Natham And the arrogant
fools who are evil also, will never come to accept this and sojourn
along this WAY.
¦À¡öÂ÷¸û The Pretenders
What the Siddhas practiced are Metaphysics as experiential (NOT experimental ) sciences. The metaphysical world contains all the secrets pertaining to Human Existence but all covered up and beyond the reach of the ordinary individuals. However the fearless among them dare to travel into these unknown territories and explore the hidden realms and thereby EXPERIENCING things beyond the reach most of the people. But the genuine explorers of the inner depths experience for themselves and by providing a description of the Sadhana used allow and invite others to EXPERIENCE the SAME and benefit immensely by it. The most important of these benefits is the WITNESSING the Inner Radiance and through that purifying the soul and body of the poisonous stuff, the aaNavam that brings about death. The dislodging of the this Darkness in the soul is that which ensures youthful vigor and vitality so necessary to continue the immensely demanding metaphysical journey and reach the very limits.
Since the logic " If you do X you will experience Y" underlying these experiential sciences allow very easily pretenders to enter the field with similar outward appearances , this Akattiyar ends this treatise with a cautionary note about these pretenders who bring disgrace to the whole science of metaphysical journeys , the most rewarding type experience ever possible for man, that which bring about real fulfillment and satiation and puts an end to the existential repetition , being thrown into world with a physical body repeatedly.
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There are many pretenders in this field who go about growing long hairs, assuming the external guise of the genuinely wise, pretending to reciting mantras just for show and claiming that they are great gurus and philosophers. They also acquire erudite scholarship of the scriptures, end up arguing vainly and as a way to humiliate others and defeat them in arguments and through show their might and seduce woman . Such people because lacking in real wisdom will run around without a settled mind just somehow to survive.
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Not only they roam around but also give false promises to the youths and make them follow him and travel town to town forever restless and searching . With false love and care he will gather people around him and will expound meanings largely from his own mind and mainly to bewilder the masses and catch them like fish with the net of false tales that fires the imagination of the credulous. He will also claim alchemical expertise and muffling the questions of the critical with aggressive rebuttals will earn money just to survive.
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Not only does he do these things to survive but worse still he will also mislead the youths and destroy the happy family life of ordinary people making it impossible for them to attain the ordinary things of life. He will cheat and lie and will some magical tricks will terrorize the simple people. There will be only miseries after miseries for those who entertain such people and therefore you should not follow at all such evil individuals.
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Now avoiding the words of the pretenders to Wisdom, keep strictly to the sadhanas described in this treatise and as your mind becomes PURE you will be able to experience for yourself the metaphysical realms of Pure Consciousness, the CiRRambalam. Once you enter this realm then you will find that you cut asunder the root causes that throws you into existential repetition, repeated births in the world. However if you remain indifferent to all these then you will fall an easy victim to death. In these 51 verses , I have related the secrets clearly, the wisdom that Siddhas have so far hidden away, with MOTHER telling me all from within me .
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I have related the genuine Sivayoga that has been hidden by the Siddhas in a systematic way and hence you should understand it with careful attention to the details.. It is the Great Yoga of the Language of Silence and which have been covered by a vast amount or literature of vain words, false mantras , misleading yoga exercises etc. Now if you think verbose texts are genuine and really provide the redeeming metaphysical insights you will be sadly mistaken. In no time your body will be snatched away by death.
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In order to avoid such premature death, get to witnessing the metaphysical world with the mental eyes by assuming the Yogic posture where both your fleshy eyes are kept at the tip of your eyes ( to free your third eye to explore the mantra world) Without being distracted explore the realms of Suzimunai (where is enacted the bewildering dance of Vintu and Natham, (the Yin and Yang)) Immerse into it deeper and deeper with the akaram-type of mantras (that provides the inner Light). If you continue always keeping part of your brain (oor ithaz) well entrenched in this metaphysical realms of Pure Light then eventually you will witness for yourself the Njana Saitanyam, the Pure Light of Absolutely Clear Consciousness where every doubts and uncertainties die a natural death.
( «¸ò¾¢Â÷ »¡É¨º¾ýÂõ ÓüÚõ) Akattiyar Njanasaitanyam concluded