¾¢Õ×ó¾¢Â¡÷- 11-20 ¾¢Õ×ó¾¢Â¡÷  11-20


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taakkiyee taakkaatu ninRatu oor taRparam
nookkil kuzaiyum enRu untiipaRa
nookkaamal nookka enRu untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead knowing that BEING
though present everywhere but is NOT involved with anything
and hence will be distorted if you try to see Him; and hence
try to see him without really seeing

nokkaamal nookkal: seeing without really seeing i.e. without any intention that brings about a that-ness that distorts perception


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muulai iruntaarai muRRattee viddavar
saalap periyar enRu untiipaRa
tavattil talaivar enRu untiipaRa

Arise and press ahead with the understanding that
BEING  who brought the anmas from the hidden  dark corners into the OPEN space
is really great and also the leader of all the austerities

muulai: the corners of the metaphysical world where the anmas remain chained and imprisoned.


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oddu aRRu ninRa uNarvu pati muddi
teeddu aRRa  idam Civam enRu untiipaRa
teedum idam atu anRu untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead with the clarity that
SIVAM is that BEING that fills consciousness and thus
makes searching  irrelevant anymore and
it is NOT a place where any form seeking survives

teeddu aRRa idam: the place where because of absolute illumination, there are NO desires arising for anything at all


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paRRai aRuppatu oor paRRinaip paRRil ap
paRRai aRuppar enRu untiipaRa
paavikka vaaraar enRu utiipaRa

Arise and move forth knowing that if any one attaches himself
to the atachment that cuts asunder all attachments
BEING will annul all attacments and that as such
BEING is  forever beyond any projective identifications

paavikka vaaraar: beyond the reach of imaginative and projective attempts of the mind


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kidanta kizaviyai kiLLi ezuppi
udantai udanee ninRu untiipaRa
unnaiyee kaNdatu enRu utiipaRa

Arise and progress further knowing  it is only because
BEING pinches and awakens the ARUL already within you that
HE is always a help to you and furthermore
THAT which sees you as you are in fact.

kizavi: Here the WOMAN is the divine AruL or Parasakthi that is ALREADY with anmas from ancient times and hence really very old.


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uzavaatu uNarkinRa yookigaL onRoodum
tazuvaamal niRpar enRu untiipaRa
taazmaNi naavee pool untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead knowing that  the genuine yogies will remain in a
nonconjugal relationship with everything in the world just like
the bells without the long tongues

taaz maNi naa: the bells (maNi) that have lost (taaz) their tongues(naa) i.e the genuine yogies in uninon with BEING and not the earthly world will practice absolute silence


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tiruccilanbu oosai olivaziyee cenRu
niruttanaik kumbidu enRu untiipaRa
nerpada angkee ninRu untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead knowing that the Way is
to follow the mystic Sound of Mantras and worship the Dancer there
in real and direct encounter

tiruccilambu oosai: the sounds made by angklets of the divine feet . It is a metaphor meaning the different manisfestations of Logos that continuosly informs and illuminates whoever folllows its ways by presenting understanding in various kinds of languages -- Vaikari, Paisayanti, mattimai, suukkumai and atisuukkumai etc


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maruLum teruLum maRakkum avankaN
aruLai maRavaatee untiipaRa
atuvee ingku uLatu enRu untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead knowing that it is in BEING that
your  ignorance and knowledge   are overcome if you
remain unforgetful of the ARUL  and
only which is available here (for all to gain)

maRattal: here complete absortion in BEING that makes  the intellectual activities die off naturally


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karutuvatan mun karuttu aziyap paayum
orumakaL keeLvan enRu untiipaRa
unna ariyan enRu untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead with  confidence that
the Parasakti  , the consort of BEING will
bounce into you even before you intent to be one-with HIM
though HE is difficult to understand by reflective exercises

unna ariyan:  ONE difficult to  grasp as to what HE is really by thinking.


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iravu pakal illaa inba veLiyuudee
viravi viravi ninRu  untiipaRa
viraiya viraiya ninRu untiipaRa

Arise and move ahead knowing that
what OUGHT to be done is to BE in the realms where
there is no darkness and light by disengaging from self
the mummalam that chains to the earthly (where there are nights and days)

viravu: to spread and be completely immersed; viraiya: to destroy, annihillate , disengage etc.
