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1. ¦Áö¸ñ¼ º¡ò¾¢Ãí¸û (Books of the Meykandar School)
2. ÅûÇÄ¡÷ º¡ò¾¢Ãí¸û ( Books of the VaLLalaar School)
3.À¢ü¸¡Ä ¨ºÅ º¡ò¾¢Ãí¸û(Post Meykandar Saiva Classics)
4. º¢ò¾÷ þÄ츢Âí¸û (The Books of the Siddhas)
5. §Å¾¡ó¾ þÄ츢Âí¸û (The Books on Vedanta)
6 ¸ð¼¨Ç¸û(Monograhs
a. in English
7.Ò¾¢Â º¢ò¾¡ó¾ áü¸û (New Books in Philosophy)
8. ¬¸Á ¯ÇÅ¢Âø ¸ðΨøû( Essays in Agamic Psychology)
9. ¦ÁöÂÈ¢×ì ¸ðΨøû (Philosophical Essays)
10. «ÕðÌÈû «¸õ (ArutkuRaL Akam)
11. ¦ÀÕó§¾ÅôÀý¢ (PeruntheevapparaNi)
12. º¢ÅôÀ¡¼ø¸û(civappaadalkaL)
13. What is Saivism? (Questions and Answers in English)
14.¸Åº þÄ츢Âõ(Kavasa Literature)
16¦Àâ¡âºõ (The Philosophy of Periyar (in Tamil)